
Friday 13 January 2012

Holy Bowl once used by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Ramzan Kadyrov displaying Prophet's "Holy Bowl"

Ramzan Kadyrov, the eccentric leader of Chechnya, is famous for his collections of wild animals and luxury cars. Now he claims to be the new owner of a bowl once used by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), presented to him by descendants in London.
A video shows Kadyrov, collecting the Holy Bowl from a private jet at Grozny airport and getting into a convertible Rolls-Royce covered in black and gold rugs, also said to have been brought from London. The Rolls-Royce leads a motorcade of dozens of cars to the city's grand mosque, opened by the Chechen leader in 2008 as part of his drive to increase the official role of Islam in the republic. Thousands of residents lined the streets as Kadyrov waved and wiped away tears. Wearing a bright purple suit and black skullcap, Kadyrov pushes through a massive crowd at the mosque, the largest in Europe. As he opens the box to reveal the bowl, Kadyrov erupts into loud sobs, shoulders shaking. He covers his reddened face after he kisses the Holy Bowl for the first time, leading the crowd in chants of "Allahu Akbar".

The sacred bowl was brought from London to Grozny and dated back 1,400 years. The bowl will be kept at the mosque and brought out every year on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) birthday for public display.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Sindh after Pir Pagara

Pir Sahib Pagara, the spiritual leader and president of Pakistan Muslim League (F) passed away on Jan 10, 2012. He was an instrumental figure in the Pakistani politics and has played a key role in resolving many political disputes as well as formation of many coalitions. He was very famous in prediction about national politics. He was sometimes termed as a man of Pakistani Establishment because of his support to past army rulers. Political elites and prominent businessmen all over country have always sought after Pir Sahib’s support.

Pir Sahib was very vocal and perhaps the only challenging source to confront the might of PPP in rural Sindh. His support and backing was considered essential for smooth operation of ethnically divided Sindh provincial assembly. In the past, Pir Sahib played a crucial role in reducing tension and bringing urban and rural politician on one table. Pir Pagaro was considered master mind in forming coalition of anti-PPP forces like MQM, PML groups and independents. His maestro was clearly behind the formation of Jam Sadiq’s government in Sindh from 1990 to 1992 despite PPP’s majority in assembly.

Pir Sahib’s departure in the current political turmoil will be beneficial for PPP to great extent especially when new elections could be announced any time. Rural Sindh political grounds may become easy turf for PPP as it will have only nationalist as their rival. Pir Sahib was the leading campaigner for unification of PML groups and was it not the PML(N) refusal, we might have a unified PML in Pakistan. His departure will also upset the PML unification campaign. Besides other family and tribal issues, the new crowned Pir Pagara will have a daunting task to organize a political campaign to deal with the political might of PPP.

Monday 9 January 2012

Make your Kids Laugh.... Watch Funny Video of Crying Monkey

Make your kids laugh and have lots of family fun. Watch this funny video of Crying Monkey. The monkey stops crying when a banana is handed to it.